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The Intersection of Youth Homelessness + Human Trafficking


There is a strong overlap between homelessness and trafficking experiences among youth. Understanding the pathways, vulnerabilities that lead to homelessness and trafficking, as well as key strategies to prevent both, is critical in our fight to end human trafficking. Attendees will also learn:

  • Federal definitions and examples will be used to define homelessness and human trafficking — inclusive of sex and labor trafficking

  • The latest research to include Chapin Hall Voices of Youth County and Loyola University’s latest research on the intersection of runaway and homeless youth and human trafficking

  • Common risk and protective factors

  • Key policy opportunities to moce forward a proactive advocacy agenda

Hosted by:
University of Central Florida

February 24

The Intersection of Trauma Informed Victim Assistance & Community Violence Intervention

March 22

Mad Blackness*: Rage, Resistance, Refusal