As the state’s sexual assault coalition, the Florida Council Against Sexual Violence (FCASV), a nonprofit, is dedicated to victims and survivors of sexual violence and the sexual assault programs that serve them.
Education FCASV serves as a resource to the state and provides expertise on sexual violence issues and best practices for responding to victims and survivors. We provide information, assistance, and leadership on issues and matters impacting the anti-sexual violence field in Florida.
Engagement Addressing sexual violence requires a multidisciplinary approach and FCASV collaborates with agencies and service providers from many different fields in an effort to increase public awareness, community engagement, and support for victim services.
Technical Assistance and Trainings We provide state-of-the-art technical assistance and training to agencies and allied professionals seeking to improve their services for and responses to rape victims. FCASV also hosts a biennial statewide conference with experts in the anti-sexual violence field for first responders, advocates, and those who serve the survivor community.
Access to Services FCASV certifies and supports sexual assault programs within the state of Florida to ensure access to high-quality, survivor-centered and trauma-supportive services for victims and their loved ones. Our team of attorneys is the state’s sole legal service provider working exclusively and holistically with survivors of sexual violence at no cost.
Public Policy We develop, track, and monitor legislative initiatives that affect sexual violence survivors. FCASV also advocates for changes to public policy that would have material impacts on the lives of victims.
Our Vision
We envision a world free of sexual violence in which individuals together assure that all human beings are treated with dignity and respect for their physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual integrity.
Our Mission
Sexual violence shatters lives, wounds communities, and perpetuates injustice. The Florida Council Against Sexual Violence leads, informs, and inspires the people of Florida to create safe and just communities.