Survivors Deserve Care from Trauma-Informed Medical Providers in Aftermath of Assault

By: Kris-Tena Albers, APRN, MN, SANE-A
Director, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Training and Sustainability Program
Florida Council Against Sexual Violence

Imagine this scenario: Minutes ticking by. Anxiety level increasing. Fear of who is going to take care of you and what is going to happen. Fear you will not be heard. Following a sexual assault, a survivor experiences a range of emotions, in addition to a complex set of decisions to make and systems to navigate. Then in the midst of these overwhelming questions and concerns, envision this scene unfolding:  A Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) enters the room who immediately offers compassion, explains your rights to a medical forensic exam (MFE) free-of-charge and regardless of whether you report to law enforcement, and who relieves your concerns by saying that you are in control and can stop the exam at any time.

SANEs are oftentimes one of the first responders in acute cases of sexual assault, and they are crucial in providing the initial survivor-centered and trauma-informed response. A SANE has specialized education and clinical preparation in the medical forensic care of the survivor who has experienced sexual assault. By law, survivors in Florida are entitled to no-cost MFEs which include evidence collection, along with advocate accompaniment. To ensure a comprehensive response that includes wraparound services, SANEs work with advocates from Florida’s 31 certified sexual assault centers that provide ongoing, trauma-focused confidential services.

Through the exam, a survivor receives in-person, one-on-one medical attention with a health care provider who can discuss options, answer questions, and provide emotional support following a traumatic crime. As a SANE in my community, I assess whether the survivor has sustained injuries that require treatment, and I address medication prophylaxis for sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy prevention. In addition to a medical response, our work includes evidence collection. Empirical literature has shown that the use of SANEs increases the probability of improving the prosecution of sexual assault cases by providing better forensics and expert testimony.

Communities that promote the use of SANEs are better prepared to combat the short- and long term- health consequences of violence. Community-based care invites each of us to help foster victim-supportive environments that promote the best possible response for survivors. 

November 8-12th is nationally recognized as Forensic Nurses Week. It is a time to honor SANEs and raise awareness about the importance of trained, trauma-informed health care professionals providing care to survivors. You can amplify these messages in your community by:

  • Promoting your local sexual assault center. More than half of the state’s 31 certified centers run SANE programs. Even in areas where the local center does not run a SANE program, advocates are always available to accompany survivors during the exam.

  • Talking about the need for enhanced health care services for survivors. The issue of sexual violence has been publicly elevated, and it is important we expand these conversations by also raising awareness about survivor needs.

  • Supporting survivors without putting the responsibility of care on their shoulders. Advocating for further investment in trauma-informed, trained professionals ensures all survivors will receive competent, compassionate care.

  • Thanking SANEs for their dedication to Florida’s survivors. Recognize the nurses in your area who are committed to the health and safety of sexual violence survivors.

Compassionate care is a critical component in the holistic response to survivors. All survivors deserve to receive care and support that honors their rights to self-determination and bodily autonomy.

In addition to being a SANE, I also work at the Florida Council Against Sexual Violence (FCASV) where we recruit and promote the use of SANEs in the state. If you are a medical professional and interested in becoming SANE-trained, please visit