Francine Donnorummo, Esq.
Office of the State Attorney, 20th Judicial Circuit
As an Assistant State Attorney, I have extensive experience in criminal law and legal expertise in human trafficking, homicide, crimes against children, domestic violence, sexual abuse, elderly law, and court room testimony. I have been successful with a thorough understanding of litigation proceedings including rules of evidence and trauma informed litigation. I haves tried well over 120 cases and hundreds more resolved prior to jury selection. Amongst those cases, one was a catalyst for a new case law, Zahid’s Law, which helped grandparents obtain rights in a custody case. Others were part of highly publicized NBC Dateline’s “To Catch A Predator”, a domestic violence homicide case featured on Court TV and other nationally publicized first degree murder trials.
Where criminal law, medical and social work community cross paths can be a powerful tool in combating abuse and sexual exploitation. Many disciplines should be optimized when both social workers and law enforcement are expected to protect our children in a society that has a high tolerance for exploitation. Eradicating human trafficking requires attorneys to examine a client’s mental health utilizing science, medicine, advanced software, and multiple federal and state law enforcement partners. I enjoy teaching law enforcement at the police academy and attorneys around the state on related topics so that we can continue our joint efforts in protecting the community with dignity.
As chair of Child Death Review, Human Trafficking Task Force and the GEB Chair for our newest human exploitation task force, INTERCEPT, I fully understand the necessity of a multi-disciplinary team approach when working with adults and children who are suspected victims of abuse. I proudly serve on the boards of Florida Council Against Sexual Violence as well as Abuse Counseling Treatment, Inc (ACT) and remain involved in the community in which I serve.